All members of the FOR2581 met in Heidelberg to present their latest results. Our guest was Dag Heinemann from the Hannover Center for Optical Technologies
The DFG research unit FOR2581 has held its 2nd international symposium on plant quantitative morphodynamics. About 90 participants discussed recent advances in understanding how plants grow and shape their organs and how these shapes adapt and evolve. The symposium featured 35 talks by invited speakers and speakers selected from the abstracts as well as 35 posters on the following topics: Mechanics and...
All members of the FOR2581 met on the TU Munich campus to present their latest results. Our guest was Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein from the Haifa Technion (IL)
We are happy to share that 3 pre-prints reporting exciting new results by the FOR2581 members are now available: (more…)
Close to 120 participants gathered in the Heidelberg old town for an exciting 3 days symposium on Plant Morphodynamics. In addition to an exceptional line up of invited speakers and selected talks, participants enjoyed a very lively poster session and could enjoy well deserved relaxed evenings in the old town. The keynotes lectures given by Rico Coen and Dominique Bergman...
The Research unit Plant Morphodynamics was involved in the recent EMBO / Company of Biologists course on plant live imaging that took place at ItBM in Nagoya (Japan). (more…)
The FOR2581 will hold its symposium on quantitative Morphodynamics on September 9th-11th in Heidelberg. We gathered a very nice line up of speakers to discuss plant morphogenesis. All details can be found here.
Over three days (16-18.05), members of the Research Unit learned the basics and advanced features of MorphographX and ilastik two of the workhorses used in the consortium to analyse plant organ development. In additions to hands-on tutorials by Adrian Wolny, Aleksandra Sapala, Sören Strauss and Marion Louveaux, participants could process their own data. To release the pressure: visit of the castle...
Invitation to the 11th International PhD School Plant Development ( The meeting brings together early career researchers and leading scientists and will take place October 10-12 in Zellingen-Retzbach close to Würzburg, Germany.
On April 12th the FOR2581 Quantitative Plant Morphodynamics research unit held its second meeting at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding in Cologne. Members (PhD, postdoc & PIs) had the opportunity to meet and present the first results of their join projects. As it is now a tradition, the meeting started with a guest lecture by Kirsten ten Tusscher who...